Do you need a health check?

Have you ever heard the phrase “prevention is better than cure”? As much as we love to see you, we generally assist you when your health issues become prominent and symptoms are noticeable. However, many health conditions exist for some time before you experience symptoms. A health check is a great way of being proactive about your health. Allowing our GPs to assess your health and identify issues before they become bigger problems.

Health checks, annual check-ups, health assessments… whatever you call them, are fantastic, proactive measures when taking care of yourself. Our health checks are designed with your body in mind. Each check tailors the screening process according to your age and potential risk factors (such as diabetes). If this introduction is making you wonder “do I need a health check?”, then keep reading!

Types of health checks offered at My Medical Dental

Both our Brisbane and Ipswich medical centres offer a comprehensive list of health assessments. Whether you’re closest centre is Springfield or Hamilton, help is not too far away. Here’s a breakdown of the health checks we offer our patients:

  • Health check for patients aged 40 – 49 years who are at risk of developing type 2 Diabetes: This health assessment is available for patients considered ‘high risk’ by the AUSDRISK within the past 3 months and are not currently diagnosed with Diabetes.
  • Health check for patients aged 45 – 49 years: This is a one-off health check to make sure patients are healthy, and to check for underlying conditions. We recommend this health check to patients pre-disposed to health conditions. Such conditions include obesity and high blood pressure as well as smokers.
  • Health check for patients aged over 75 years: This is an annual check we offer our senior patients. We’ll check their body from top to toe to address any concerns before they become bigger problems. During their appointment, we also address any symptoms they’re currently experiencing.
  • GP Management Plan & Team Care Arrangements: This type of appointment can be claimed annually, allowing Medicare-funded allied health appointments. These are suitable for those who are living with a chronic condition. This includes asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal conditions, stroke and more.
  • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment: This health check is offered to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, regardless of age. This type of health check is available every 9 months, screening for conditions commonly experienced by our Indigenous patients.
  • Over 30 Healthy heart check: We offer this health check to patients over the age of 30, who have no history of cardiovascular disease. We recommend a healthy heart check to anyone over the age of 30, who has heart concerns or family history of heart disease.

How long will health checks go for?

Health checks can range from 30 to 60 minutes in duration. This allows our team to accurately assess your health, screen for important issues and identify any problems.  We’ll then create a treatment plan for managing any issues uncovered.

What happens during a health check?

During your health check, your GP and Nurse will discuss your health in detail. This may include:

  • Your lifestyle, such as diet, weight, alcohol consumption and cigarette use
  • Your family history, such as heart issues, diabetes and cancer
  • Past test results, such as blood tests, imaging and other scans
  • Any symptoms you’ve been experiencing since your last health check 

Together we can paint a clear picture of your health. During your health check, we’ll discuss your health in detail and identify any issues. Lastly, we’ll suggest healthy changes that you can make to be a happier, healthier you.

If you are eligible for one of our health checks here at My Medical and Dental Centre, get in touch! Contact our Springfield Orion or Hamilton medical centres today to book your appointment. Our two central Brisbane and Ipswich locations makes it easier to to get the healthcare you need. 

Alternatively, you can book your health assessment directly online at our website here. Better health is just a click or a call away, and we look forward to seeing you soon.