Our Services

Surgical Procedures

Doctors and Allied Health

Surgical Procedures

My Medical Centre now offers the convenience of minor surgical procedures able to be performed at the clinic. Please note a GP referral is required to book a consultation for all minor surgical procedures.

M.B.B.S, M.S. (Gen Surg), FRACS, FRCS (Edin, Glas)

Dr Shashank Desai, General Oncoplastic Breast and Laparoscopic Surgeon

Dr Shashank Desai is a General, Oncoplastic Breast & Laparoscopic Surgeon with experience and training from Australia, New Zealand, UK and India. He has special interest in reconstructive breast surgery and skin cancer surgery. Having been in hospital-based surgical practice for over three decades, Dr Desai is keen to offer surgical services in the family clinics, thus making surgical expertise more accessible to the community.

As part of the ‘Community Surgical Service’ Dr Desai has set about to offer surgical procedures suitable to be done under local anaesthesia, practicing the highest standards of asepsis and clean surgical practices. 

  • Vasectomy
  • Skin cancer excisions and biopsy and spot checks of skin lesions
  • Excision of moles
  • In growing toenail surgery
  • Auroplasty (repair of eaer-lobe piercing)
  • Excision of superficial lumps


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Please phone 07 3472 2966 to book surgical appointments.